Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Author Revealed -- Rachel Kramer

Rachel Kramer is this week’s featured author in Author Revealed. Rachel is a 24-year old, aspiring author from the US. She studied creative Writing at CSULB and plans on getting published someday. So far, Rachel has finished writing two novels already, one of them is Demon Sense (previously known as Angels in Alleyways) and Rachel is currently in the middle of revising this story. Hopefully we’ll be seeing it in stores soon. 

At this moment, it is…a little after 2am, and eerily quiet. I think I’ll play some music now.

I am known for…being too nice, according to friends and fam. As for Wattpad, I’m probably best known for “Angels in Alleyways”.

Instead of doing this, I should…probably be writing/editing. Or sleeping.

I am the best at…procrastinating.

I envy the people who…can just have a smooth, engaging conversation with a random stranger or acquaintance. I have a tendency to be socially awkward…like, really awkward.

One of my strangest habits is... washing my hands. It’s not the action that’s weird, rather the amount of times I wash them. In the last hour alone, I’ve washed them 5 times for no real reason. Don’t judge me…

I wish I were better at…making a more organized, and productive schedule. Also, breakdance-fighting.

When I am old I…plan on being the most awesome, strangest old person ever. I will have themed days where I dress-up like a pirate, wizard, etc. I will also hoard small, adorable animals.

I love…pumpkin flavored anything, caffeine, sushi, music, reading, writing, and spontaneous adventures.

I don’t like…hypocrites, lima beans, bad drivers, and bills.

Tomorrow...I plan to get coffee, write/revise, and be social.

I’d really want to…get coffee, read, and maybe be social.

I shouldn’t laugh at…people, but sometimes I just can’t help it. It’s their own fault.

One day I will…have written at least one New York Times Best Seller

I have learned the hard way…to truly think before I act.

I couldn’t live without…water. But if we’re being metaphorical, the answer would be: my laptop, coffee, and music.

When I look in the mirror…I see unruly hair, and a twenty-something girl still trying to figure out life.

I will never…truly understand anything.

I want to move to…Dublin...Or Seattle. The latter seems more likely.

I love singing along to…really happy, upbeat music.

One book I recommend is… “If I Stay” by Gayle Foreman.

I want to watch…The season premiere of Vampire Diaries, but my DVR failed. Also, I can’t wait for the season premiere of Bones! So excited!

My favorite superhero is...Superman. Without a doubt. It’s an obsession.

I look forward to...sleeping. My dreams are always crazy and entertaining.

I love life because…it’s amazing, exciting, and full of surprises and lessons. If reincarnation exists, and I had the choice to move on to some utopian paradise or be reborn on Earth, I’d choose the latter. That is how much I love life.

In my pockets I have…absolutely nothing. My pj pants don’t have pockets.

I am terrified of…zombies and roaches

My guilty pleasure is…urban fantasy/paranormal romance. I feel like an uber nerd reading that genre. So much so, that I usually only read them on my kindle, that way if I’m in a public setting, no one will see the obvious cover.

Sleep is…pretty much the greatest escape ever.

I prefer…a rainy day over a sunny day.

Sometimes I should…go to bed earlier.

If I could go back in time…I’d only change one thing. Yes, I have regrets, but there’s only one thing I care strongly enough about to actually want to change.

Last time I stood in line…was yesterday at Starbucks. Though, I wasn’t actually standing—I was sitting in my car in the drive-thru. Hmm...guess that makes me a lazy American.

I don’t see myself writing…Sci-Fi. I love the genre, but I’m technologically challenged. I can’t even work my laptop at times, there’s no way I’d even be able to invent my own fictional technologies.

I would steal if…it meant saving someone’s life.

One day I will write a story that…speaks to your soul.

The smell of…coffee grinds perks me up.

A song I could keep listening to is…”Wolf and I” by Oh Land.

When I watch TV…I make an occasion out of it because it’s quite rare. I curl up with a blanket, snacks, and a drink, and then I veg out.

My motto in life is no other than…be honest, be happy, be kind. Good things will almost always come of it, but even if they don’t, at least you’ll like yourself better for it.

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