Sunday, November 4, 2012

What a simple message can mean...

That moment open an email in your spam folder, a little hesitant because you're not sure what scam message it might be this time and then that message you were afraid of turns out to be a message from someone who has read your story and wanted to let you know how much they liked it, how the story moved them and even left them at a loss for words.

Every time something similar to this happens to me, it totally makes my day! Comments like this make all the sweat and frustration of writing worthwhile.

Therefore, As a writer, I want to thank every reader who takes the time to send a message to an author of a book they liked. However small that message might be, you have no idea what it does to an author to know that complete strangers appreciate their hard work. 

You're the best and writing wouldn't be the same without you! 
Thank you!


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